Ferdinand Gruber, M.Sc.

Adresse: Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching
Raum: 02.11.60
Telefon: +49 (0)89 / 289-17250
E-Mail: gruberfe@in.tum.de
Bürozeit: Termine nach Vereinbarung


  • Operating Systems
  • System Optimizations
  • Memory Technologies
  • Modern Hardware


Christoph Anneser, Lukas Vogel, Ferdinand Gruber, Maximilian Bandle, Jana Giceva
Ferdinand Gruber, Maximilian Bandle, Alexis Engelke, Thomas Neumann, Jana Giceva
Domain-Specific Operating Systems for Flexible Data Flow Architectures
Ferdinand Gruber
Das beste Pferd im Stall


SS 2022: Database Systems on Modern CPU Architectures
WS 2022/23: Seminar: OS in the Cloud: Past, Present and Future
SS 2023: Data Processing On Modern Hardware
WS 2023/24: Seminar: OS in the Cloud: Past, Present and Future
SS 2024:Data Processing On Modern Hardware

Betreute Arbeiten

  • Implementing and Testing Sub-Operator Interpreters
  • Benchmarking of Computational Storage Devices
  • Implementing optimized VFS for PMEM in SQLite
  • Persistent Memory: Looking for a File System?
  • Implementing and Evaluating Efficient Networking for the Nanos Unikernel
  • Implementation of Write-Ahead Loggin on Persistent Memory in SQLite
  • Implementing and Evaluating Efficient Networking for the Nanos Unikernel
  • Simulating a Memory Managment Service For Fully Disaggregated Systems