Code Generation for Data Processing


Code generation is a key technique for efficient program execution and data processing. This lecture will cover the following topics from a practical perspective with accompanying hands-on exercises:

  • Execution models of programs (interpretation, bytecode, machine code generation, etc.)
  • Program representations (source code, intermediate representations (IRs), different forms of bytecode)
  • Classical techniques of code generation
    • SSA and optimization techniques, exemplary described on LLVM-IR
    • Machine code generation: instruction selection and register allocation
  • Execution of programs in virtual machines (e.g., WebAssembly, BPF, JavaScript)
    • Sandboxing and optimizations for JIT compilation
  • Execution of database queries (e.g., SQL, data frame API)
    • Execution models and code representations
  • Execution of machine code/binary translation (e.g., RISC-V)
    • Specifics when translating machine code


  • Lecture with integrated exercises: Thu 10–14 (c.t., with break) in 02.11.018
  • Exercises will include hands-on programming tasks
    • (Basic) C++ knowledge is required
  • Language: English
  • Module: CIT3230001, 6 ECTS, Bachelor/Master elective
    • Area "Databases and Information Systems" for Informatics, Wirtschaftsinformatik/Information Systems, Informatics: Games Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
    • B1.2 "Advanced Topics in Data Engineering" for Data Engineering and Analystics
  • Written exam (90 minutes), might change to oral on low registration count. Exam from winter 2022/23: [exam2223.pdf].
  • Zulip stream for this lecture; private contact via e-mail


The course is aimed at bachelor/master students who have taken the following (or similar) courses:

  • IN0004 Introduction to Computer Architecture
  • IN0008 Fundamentals of Databases


Material and exercises will be regularly provided throughout the semester. [lec.pdf] [prs.pdf]

Script (updated regularly with new lecture content, includes content of slides and additional information and comments): [book.pdf]

Note: The schedule below is preliminary and is likely to change during the semester.

DateLecture TopicHomework
17.10. Overview, Motivation, Interpretation Techniques [lec01.pdf]
Exercise: (no exercise session)
[hw1.txt] [hw1-sol.c]
24.10. Compiler Front-end [lec02.pdf]
Exercise: discussion of homework
[hw2.txt] []
31.10. IR Concepts, Control Flow Graph, SSA Construction [lec03.pdf] [prs03.pdf]
Exercise: IR design [ex03.txt]
07.11. LLVM-IR [lec04.pdf]
Exercise: getting started with LLVM [ex04.txt]
[hw3.txt] []
14.11. Analyses and Transformations [lec05.pdf] [prs05.pdf]
Exercise: writing an LLVM-IR pass [ex05.txt]
21.11. Vectorization (canceled)
Exercise: auto-vectorization
28.11. Instruction Selection [lec07.pdf] [prs07.pdf]
Exercise: discussion of hw2 and hw3
[hw4.txt] []
05.12. (no lecture/exercise, Dies Academicus)
12.12. Register Allocation [lec08.pdf] [prs08.pdf]
Exercise: SSA destruction
[hw5.txt] []
19.12. Object Files, Linker, Loader [lec09.pdf]
Exercise: ELF file construction [ex09.txt]
09.01. Unwinding and Debuginfo [lec10.pdf]
Exercise: unwind info generation [ex10.txt]
16.01. JIT-compilation and Sandboxing [lec11.pdf]
Exercise: WebAssembly hands-on [ex11.txt]
23.01. Vectorization [lec06.pdf]
Exercise: Auto-vectorization hands-on [ex06.txt]
[hw7.txt] (Bonus)
30.01. Query Compilation [lec13.pdf]
Exercise: SQLite hands-on [ex13.txt]
06.02. Code Generation for GPUs (Nicolai Hähnle, AMD)
Exercise: none/wrap up