Prof. Alfons Kemper, Ph.D.
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- I was awarded the ACM Fellowship 2022 for contributions to database management system technology. ACM characterizes this award as follows: The ACM Fellows program recognizes the top 1% of ACM Members for their outstanding accomplishments in computing and information technology and/or outstanding service to ACM and the larger computing community.
- Our first HyPer paper (A.Kemper and T. Neumann: HyPer: A Hybrid OLTP&OLAP Main Memory Database System Based on Virtual Memory Snapshots, 2011 ) received the ten-year influential paper award from the ICDE committee in 2021.
- ICDE 2014 Best Paper Award for Viktor Leis, Alfons Kemper and Thomas Neumann: "Exploiting Hardware Transactional Memory in Main-Memory Databases"
- Best Paper Award for the BTW 2015 conference paper "Unnesting Arbitrary Queries" by Thomas Neumann and Alfons Kemper.
- Prof. Kemper is PC-co-chair of the Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering 2017
- Prof. Kemper and Prof. Neumann organize the VLDB 2017 Conference in Munich.
- The Chair of Database Systems participates in the Bavarian Elite Master Programme Software Engineering. Interested students can please consult me.
Research Area
- Main-memory database systems
- Internet data processing
- E-Services / Web Services
- Quality of Service (QoS) / Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
- E-Science / Grid Computing
- distributed database systems
- query optimization
- object-relational databases
- query evaluation techniques
- physical database organization, in particular index structures and clustering
- Kemper/Eickler. Datenbanksysteme -- Eine Einführung. Oldenbourg Verlag, 10. Auflage, 2015.
- Kemper/Wimmer: Übungsbuch Datenbanksysteme. 3. Auflage, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012
- andere Veröffentlichungen / other publications
Short CV
Oct 77 - Aug 80 | Computer Science studies at the University of Dortmund |
June 79 | Intermediate exam (Vordiplom) |
Sep 80 - Aug 84 | Graduate Student of Computer Science at the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles |
Jun 81 | Master of Science |
Jul 84 | Ph. D. in Computer Science |
Oct 84 - May 91 | Assistant Professor (C1) at the University of Karlsruhe |
June 91 | Habilitation at the University of Karlsruhe |
May 91 - Mar 93 | Associate Professor (C3) at the Technical Univ. (RWTH) Aachen |
April 93 - April 04 | Full Professor (C4) of Computer Science at the University of Passau |
Oct 01 - Oct 03 | Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Passau |
Oct 00 - 03 | Member of the Founding Committee of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy |
starting April 2004 | Full Professor (C4) of Computer Science at the Technische Universität München |
Oct. 06 - Oct. 10 | Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of the Technische Universität München |
Oct. 10 - April 12 | Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of the Technische Universität München |
since Oct. 2022 | Head of the Department of Computer Science of the School of Computation, Information and Technology of TU Munich |